Friday, November 5, 2010

Lighthouse iLab

So, we begin at the ending. This is how your iLab2 should look upon completion of the assignment--horizon straightened, color cast removed, spot corrected, small lighthouse cleanly obliterated, and UGH! sharpened a little. But, let's have some fun with it.

1. Start by selecting and copying the image to the pasteboard. Now, when you choose File>New from the menu, the dimensions of the lighthouse image will be the dimensions of your new file. Open the Actions pallet. If "Textures" is not displayed, click on the play button to the right of the action tab. Once the Textures option is visible, click on the arrow button to the left of the folder icon. Then highlight the Parchment Paper option and select the play button at the bottom of the Actions tab.  Click Continue after seeing the white canvas area turn the color of parchment paper. When the Texturizer dialog opens, I chose the Sandstone texture and lowered the relief to 2.

2. Rough the edges of the map by choosing the Eraser Tool and, using a moderately soft brush, erase along the edges of the image. Don't worry about not making a straight line--you want the edges to look randomly rough. Puts some holes in the parchment with the same method, varying brush size continually with the bracket keys to simulate random burns, rot, and worm holes. In the Layers pallet, command-click on the layer thumbnail box on Layer 1 to select the contents of the layer. Save the selection by choosing Selection>Save Selection from the menu and save it as "map" (just in case you need this selection in the future).

3. Deselect. Now, choose the Burn Tool (under the Dodge Tool), and make sure your colors are set to Default at the bottom of the Tool panel. Burn around your holes and along the edges of the map, varying brush size and going over some places several times to create darker burns, while leaving other burns slight, to create randomness. 

4. Now, return to your Lighthouse picture, select all and copy. Go back to your map and paste. The Lighhouse should be the top layer. Change the Blending Mode of the Lighthouse layer (at the top of the Layers Pallet) to Color Burn. Choose Edit>Paste again to add another Lighthouse layer on top of the other layers. Change this layer's Blending Mode to Overlay. Choose the Text Tool, click anywhere on your image and type "The Light House Inn". I used Zapfina, 72 pt, right-aligned (all chosen at the top of the window in the Options panel for Type), and used the eyedropper to choose a yellow from the image, which I adjusted in the color pallet to be a little brighter and lighter. Select your type layer in the Layers Pallet and click the Layer Effects button at the bottom of the pallet, then choose Drop Shadow from the list and leave the Default settings.